
Google Maps for Commercial Use

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We are a premier partner for Google Maps in South East Asia & India. We’ve successfully helped thousands of businesses with licensing Google Maps for their applications.

Speak to our Certified Google Maps Consultants to find the right license and pricing for your business app or project.


How is Google Maps for Commercial use different?

When you want to use Google Maps for your commercial app or project, by upgrading to the premium plan, you unlock premium features & support


The Google Maps APIs Premium Plan goes beyond the standard maps APIs integrations. It grants access to scaled usage of the 20 plus APIs to help you design and engineer the best applications across the Web, Android and iOS devices.

A Google Maps license will give you the ability to embed maps and visualize your own data in layers. Featuring a host of APIs for both the Web and Mobile, a premium plan is best suited:

  • When using an app internally or as part of a restricted user group such as a CRM, ERP, etc.
  • To charge users for using your application
  • To build tracking applications that monitor assets such as trucks, cars, and more.
  • To get higher application up-time
  • For dedicated technical support

What does the Google Maps APIs premium plan give your business

The Google Maps APIs premium plan includes:
  • Greater capacity for API requests from your app
  • Enhanced API features
  • 24-hour technical support and service options
  • Specific licensing options based on your requirements- Internal, external, OEM and asset tracking
  • Extensive documentation with API reference guides and developer's guides
  • Option to choose Gold-tier support

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Book Free Consultation Call

Get the best discount when you purchase the Google Maps API Premium Plan for commercial use.

With the Google Maps API premium plan, there is a larger quota of credits available for your app to utilise Google Maps. Depending on the APIs your app or project uses, credits are deducted accordingly.

For business or commercial use, the Google Maps API premium plan starts at USD 10,000 per year.

Now, avail the region’s best partner special discount offer on your premium plan. Speak to our Google Maps Certified Consultants.